KEES Project

My Role

UX Design & Researcher

UI Designer


Time limitations (8 weeks)

Client Budget constraints

Web platform only

Tools Used





KEES Overview

KEES is an innovative web platform designed to streamline the recruitment process for the mining sector in Western Australia. Targeting both job seekers and employers within the mining industry, KEES provides a comprehensive suite of tools to facilitate job searches, application management, and candidate selection. The platform offers features like personalised job recommendations, transparent application tracking, and robust data privacy measures, ensuring a user-centric approach that addresses the specific needs of mining professionals.


As the Lead UX/UI Designer at Fileroom Pty Ltd, I led the transformation of the KEES platform into a user-centric digital solution tailored to the mining industry’s recruitment needs over an 8-week project. Leveraging user research and competitive analysis, I crafted intuitive interfaces and seamless user journeys that align with the unique challenges of mining professionals and employers.

My role involved not only designing visually compelling and functional prototypes but also collaborating closely with stakeholders and guiding a talented team to ensure the platform's design was both engaging and efficient, ultimately enhancing the job search and application experience for all users.

Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro


Research Objectives

To create a user-centric KEES platform, it was crucial to understand the specific needs and pain points of both mining industry employers and employees. This involved identifying existing challenges in recruitment, communication, and scheduling, as well as exploring the necessary functionality for effective employer and employee portals. By analysing the user journey, evaluating the usability of current platforms, and researching industry best practices, we aimed to design an intuitive and efficient platform. Feedback from potential users was gathered to inform design decisions and prioritise features.

Understand the specific needs and pain points of mining industry employers and employees.

Understand the specific needs and pain points of mining industry employers and employees.

Understand the specific needs and pain points of mining industry employers and employees.

Explore essential features for an employer portal, such as recruitment tools and calendar management.

Explore essential features for an employer portal, such as recruitment tools and calendar management.

Explore essential features for an employer portal, such as recruitment tools and calendar management.

Investigate necessary features for an employee portal, like job applications and resume uploads.

Investigate necessary features for an employee portal, like job applications and resume uploads.

Investigate necessary features for an employee portal, like job applications and resume uploads.

Analyse the user journey and navigation paths for both employers and employees.

Analyse the user journey and navigation paths for both employers and employees.

Analyse the user journey and navigation paths for both employers and employees.

Identify recruitment, communication, and scheduling challenges.

Identify recruitment, communication, and scheduling challenges.

Identify recruitment, communication, and scheduling challenges.

Evaluate the usability of existing recruitment platforms.

Evaluate the usability of existing recruitment platforms.

Evaluate the usability of existing recruitment platforms.

Research industry best practices for UI/UX design in recruitment platforms.

Research industry best practices for UI/UX design in recruitment platforms.

Research industry best practices for UI/UX design in recruitment platforms.

Gather user feedback through surveys, interviews, and usability testing.

Gather user feedback through surveys, interviews, and usability testing.

Gather user feedback through surveys, interviews, and usability testing.

Market Research Summary

Major competitors like, Indeed, and LinkedIn dominate the job recruitment market. offers a broad range of job listings and uses advanced algorithms to match candidates with positions but requires external platforms for communication. Indeed provides a comprehensive platform with advanced search and tracking features. LinkedIn excels in professional networking and recruitment tools, enhancing employer brand visibility. These insights inform Kees' design and development.

Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro

Interview Findings

In interviews with 60 mining professionals, key insights included a strong preference for and LinkedIn for job searches and networking. However, frustrations arose due to the lack of specialised mining job listings and inaccurate search filters. Participants also desired integrated communication features to improve interactions between employers and candidates. and LinkedIn are crowd favourites.

Users crave tailored mining job listings.

Integrated communication tools are sought after.

Search filter accuracy raises eyebrows.

Usability Testing - Painpoints

Navigation Challenges:

Users struggled with finding specific job listings due to cluttered interfaces and complex navigation.

Lack of Customisation:

Participants felt restricted by the generic job suggestions, desiring tailored options matching their skillsets.

Communication Hurdles:

Users cited difficulties in connecting with potential employers directly through the platform, hindering efficient communication.

Search Filter Issues:

Many expressed frustration with search filters, which often returned irrelevant job listings, wasting time and effort.

Usability Testing - Painpoints

Navigation Challenges:

Users struggled with finding specific job listings due to cluttered interfaces and complex navigation.

Lack of Customisation:

Participants felt restricted by the generic job suggestions, desiring tailored options matching their skillsets.

Communication Hurdles:

Users cited difficulties in connecting with potential employers directly through the platform, hindering efficient communication.

Search Filter Issues:

Many expressed frustration with search filters, which often returned irrelevant job listings, wasting time and effort.

Usability Testing - Painpoints

Navigation Challenges:

Users struggled with finding specific job listings due to cluttered interfaces and complex navigation.

Lack of Customisation:

Participants felt restricted by the generic job suggestions, desiring tailored options matching their skillsets.

Communication Hurdles:

Users cited difficulties in connecting with potential employers directly through the platform, hindering efficient communication.

Search Filter Issues:

Many expressed frustration with search filters, which often returned irrelevant job listings, wasting time and effort.


Jennifer was created to represent the varied needs and challenges of users in the mining industry job market. Her persona ensures our design is based on real user feedback, keeping us user-focused and avoiding assumptions. By addressing Jennifer's pain points and opportunities, we aim to develop a platform that meets our target audience's needs, fostering trust, satisfaction, and engagement.

Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro







Streamlined Communication:

Add built-in messaging for direct employer-candidate interactions.


Enhanced Search Functionality:

Improve search filters to match listings with user queries, reducing irrelevant results.


Comprehensive User Profiles:

Develop profiles for candidates to showcase skills and experiences, aiding employers in better matchmaking.


Personalised Job Recommendations:

Use machine learning to suggest jobs based on user preferences and qualifications.

Problem Statement

Existing recruitment platforms in the mining industry lack tailored features, forcing employers to use external apps for communication. Employers also lack comprehensive dashboards for managing vacancies and a centralised calendar for scheduling work swings. Job seekers face cumbersome navigation and ineffective search filters. These challenges highlight the need for a specialised recruitment solution for the mining sector.



Customer Journey

We created this customer journey map to visualise the user's path when applying for jobs on other websites. By mapping each step, we gain insights into user experiences, pain points, and improvement opportunities. This helps us identify gaps in existing platforms and envision a unique solution tailored to job seekers' needs in the mining sector, aiming for a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro

Learning Behaviours

Based on research from 60 participants, key user trends emerged. Notably, 80% preferred platforms with an easy job search experience. Additionally, 75% favoured personalised job recommendations. Transparent communication about application statuses was important to 65% of users, and 70% stressed the need for data privacy and security during the application process. These insights guide us in aligning our platform with user preferences.

Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro

How Might We

After concluding our market research into platforms akin to Kees, our focus shifted to crafting impactful How Might We questions aimed at uncovering innovative solutions tailored to elevate our designs and distinguish them from existing applications.

Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro


After the research and discussion with interviewees, we dived into the MVP segment and started thinking of prioritising the information that is most important to the users. then we need to start working on implementing them into our designs as we go.

Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro
Closeup of woman wearing gold sweater typing on MacBook Pro

Initial Wireframes

After discussions with stakeholders, we embarked on creating initial wireframe sketches to visualise the platform's layout and functionalities. This collaborative effort aimed to explore how various components would seamlessly integrate into the user interface, ensuring an intuitive and efficient user experience.

Style Guide

As we progressed to the style guide phase, we delved into refining the platform's visual identity. Custom iconography, carefully selected colours aligned with the brand guidelines, and fonts optimised for readability were pivotal elements. This meticulous attention to detail ensured a cohesive and engaging user interface, enhancing the overall user experience.




After extensive research and analysis from interviews, usability testing, and market comparisons, we crafted high-fidelity wireframes reflecting our findings. Our journey focused on user preferences, highlighting intuitive job searches, personalised recommendations, and transparent communication. Through iterative design and stakeholder feedback, we developed a final wireframe solution.

These wireframes integrate custom iconography, brand-aligned colours, and legible fonts to ensure a seamless user experience. Due to the extensive number of pages, a Figma file has been compiled for ease of viewing. These static screens await management confirmation before development. Explore the Figma file below to see the envisioned user experience.

Project Summary

The Kees project sought to transform the job-seeking journey within the mining sector by prioritising user-friendly navigation, personalised job suggestions, and transparent application procedures. Through meticulous research, iterative wireframing, and meticulous design, the project made substantial strides towards creating an innovative platform tailored to the needs of job seekers and recruiters alike. However, the project is currently paused due to management's focus on funding and other pressing priorities. Despite this temporary setback, the groundwork laid and the insights gained position the project favourably for resumption and eventual implementation in the near future.

Lessons Learned

Throughout the development of the KEES platform, significant insights were gained that have not only shaped this project but also provided valuable lessons for future endeavours. By focusing on user-centric design, comprehensive research, and iterative feedback, we ensured that the platform addressed real user needs and pain points, particularly within the mining industry's recruitment sector. These lessons highlight the importance of empathy, collaboration, and adaptability in creating effective digital solutions.

Most important lessons learned:

  • User-Centric Design: Prioritising user feedback ensures effective user experiences.

  • Thorough Research: Deep understanding of user behaviours and industry trends is key.

  • Iterative Process: Continuous refinement based on feedback improves the final product.

  • Personalisation: Tailored recommendations and clear communication boost user satisfaction.

  • Thorough User Research: Crucial for understanding pain points and needs.

  • Transparency: Builds user trust with clear pricing and communication.

  • Iterative Design: Early wireframes and sketches enable quick iterations.

  • Localisation: Supporting multiple languages and reading orientations enhances usability.

  • Pain Point Focus: Addressing specific user challenges improves relevance.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Regular communication aligns goals and expectations.

  • Continuous Feedback: Ongoing user input drives improvements.

  • Collaboration: Working closely with stakeholders fosters innovation.

  • Adaptability: Being flexible leads to better outcomes.

  • Data Insights: Informed design decisions meet user expectations.

  • Security Focus: Prioritising privacy builds user trust.

What's Next?

As we move forward with the Kees project, our focus shifts towards refining high-fidelity wireframes and screen designs, prototyping for interactive testing, and conducting comprehensive usability assessments. Collaboration with stakeholders remains essential for iterating designs based on user feedback. Additionally, we aim to stay updated on industry trends for competitiveness. However, please note that the project is currently on hold due to management funding and other priorities. We anticipate resuming progress once these matters are resolved.

Next Steps:

  • Finalise high-fidelity wireframes and screen designs.

  • Prototype for interactive testing.

  • Conduct comprehensive usability assessments.

  • Iterate designs based on user feedback.

  • Stay updated on industry trends for competitiveness.

  • Prepare for platform development and eventual launch.

  • Additional features will be included in the design to ensure that users may utilise the application to post their next experience.


Please note that the platform described in this case study has not been released to the public. Therefore, the information presented here may not accurately reflect the final product once it is developed and launched. Additionally, not all research findings are included in this case study to protect the privacy and intellectual property of Kees. Only information that is deemed suitable for public sharing and does not compromise confidentiality or proprietary information has been included.

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